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Random Revelations on Genealogy 😂

I have always been fascinated with Bible history or history in general. There's just something about that realization that these things actually happened and continue to reflect itself in our present and future. I have learned a lot through history, but add the Bible, and WAM--you got chain-breaking revelations manifesting in your life! (For real 😂). 

Today, in particular, was really interesting for me. Moving forward in my read-the-entire-Bible-in-a-year goal, I have officially completed reading 5 books of the Bible (not much progress, but some). I started reading 1 Chronicles and actually forced myself to go through 8 long chapters of "so-and-so begot so-and-so." 

I will be honest, my mind swam in all of the names and I hardly was able to focus. But then, I realized, after a few chapters, that the same names started popping up. "So-and-so from the tribe of Judah ... so-and-so from the tribe of Benjamin ... so-and-so from the tribe of Levi." It dawned on me (really slowly 😂) that these were the 12 tribes of Israel, God's people. Now, say the "Tribe of Joseph" and I would have recognized what I was reading a lot faster. But, ironically, I was skimming over his tribe unknowingly. Apparently, his tribe is called the "Tribe of Manasseh" (1 Chronicles 7:29). 

But that's not what gave me a "revelational moment" as I call it. 

What got me was, the realization that the Tribe of Judah was the Tribe of Judah! 

Get this ... the Tribe of Judah is where King David stems from, along with King Solomon. And eventually, Jesus Christ Himself. What's more, the Tribe of Benjamin is where King Saul and eventually Queen Esther originate from. 

Why is this such a shock to me? 

Well, because Judah-Joseph's brother was a complete sinner. How could it be, that the of God the Earth specifically chose His SON to be born from such a descendant? Why didn't He choose someone like Benjamin? 

These two brothers and their descendants hold two extremely significant realities about Bible History and God's pure redemption. And I'll tell you how ...

Let's go way back to Joseph's day. 

Most of us know the story. He was the Beloved Son of Jacob, whom his brothers got jealous over. Out of envy, Joseph's brothers plotted to kill him. However, due to Judah's suggestion, Joseph's life was spared and he was sold into slavery (Genesis 37:27). On a side note, Joseph was specifically sold to the Ishmaelites, which is basically the rival tribe of the Israelites (that whole history behind Abrahams two sons). 

Judah didn't murder his brother, but he sold him into slavery. (Awful!)

What's more, this man dealt with major losses in his family. His two sons died with no heirs, and his wife died causing extreme grief. Out of his sorrow, Judah decided to comfort himself by going into a harlot. Who-shockingly turned out to be his daughter-in-law playing as a harlot. The consequence? Judah fathered twin sons through his daughter-in-law (Genesis 28). 

Big major WOW. Bad situation. 

But here's the thing ... Later on in the Book of Genesis chapter 44 Judah offers himself in return that Benjamin, his young brother, returned home safely to his father. With his long, descriptive explanation and plea, Judah was willing to give himself up for the sake of his brother (Genesis 44:18-34). 

Judah knew that he was a sinner. He knew that Benjamin was innocent. He was willing to give himself up for someone else, even if the crime that was specifically opposed against Benjamin, was not his own. 

Sound familiar? (Feels like a "What would Jesus Do" moment). 

Now, I'm sure there are several other instances where the Tribe of Judah acted upon God's will (which I shall further study), that led to their redemption. But that one alone shows God's mercy and grace. 

People tend to paint a bad picture of God during the Old Testament. When in reality, it reflects the beauty of His heart. His willingness to Redeem. 

This is again shown through the Tribe of Benjamin. Skipping ahead to King Saul's day, you quickly learn that Saul is a Benjamite (1 Chronicles 8:33). Noting here, that King David was from Judah. Now, Saul was a good king for a little while until God told him to eliminate the Amalekites (1 Samuel 15). The entire history behind the Amalekites dates back to Moses's day, but basically, they ambushed the Israelites and killed innocent people. To explain, King Saul spared the Amalekite king and herds and more. As a result, the Amalekites became a future enemy on the day of Queen Esther.

Can you believe that? One man's disobedience led to generations suffering from a lifelong enemy. Also a Benjamite, Queen Esther saved the Jews from the Agagite, Haman, a direct descendant of the Amalekites (Esther 2, 3, 9). 

Why am I saying all of this? Simply because I find it fascinating. 

Judah was a sinner, whom God redeemed. Although he specifically made mistakes, God showed mercy throughout his family generations. Judah's act of willingness to lay his life down sowed a seed that would impact his genealogy by becoming the Tribe of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. 

King Saul's mistake tarnished the Benjamites with a generational battle with the Amalekites. He could have saved and prevented death and destruction from the Jews, but his self-righteousness led to his downfall. However, God showed redemption by raising up another Benjamite who would accomplish what Saul could not. Standing where Saul fell, Esther listened to these words by her Uncle: 

"For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" Esther 4:14 

It doesn't matter your family history. It doesn't matter who made a mistake, fell, and missed it. God redeems families and these stories alone prove it. That battle that moved on from generation to generation, can end if one person chooses to stand, speak, and rise up for such a time as this. 

Your genealogy does not matter, God makes that clear. He is willing to bless those who seek change, who seek to rise up in His name. 

As I read this, I thought about my own family and "genealogy." I laughed joyfully, realizing how much my parents alone have risen up where their family members have fallen. As a result, they walk in grace and redemption because they choose to walk in it with God. Not like Saul, who tried to work his own redemption. But like Esther, who walked in obedience. Like Judah who walked in humility, ready to lay his life down. 

It doesn't matter your history, whether or not you are "chosen" by God. He chooses you because He Loves you (John 14). The question is, will you Love Him Back? Will you allow Him to redeem you? 

  • Listen, Jesus is the Lion of Judah (Revelation 5:5). 

  • Also, we are adopted into His family as sons and daughters (Ephesians 1:4-5).

  • We are already a chosen people and a holy nation (1 Peter 2:9).

  • We belong to Christ (1 Corinthians 3:23).

These are promises for those who accepted Jesus Christ into their lives and believe that He is the Son of God who came, died, and rose again to REDEEM them from all sins past, present, and future, from themselves and their past descendants. 

Those generational sins? Broken. Gone. Forgiven. When you choose to be adopted into the family of Jesus Christ. Already a born-again believer? Praise God! I hope this word encourages you and reminds you of who you are. 

Your family does not define you. 

Jesus Christ defines you ❤️


Also, just wanted to say, when you think of Bible Genealogy as just a bunch of families going through things ... it makes a difference on how you are able to chew and swallow the history. It starts feeling relatable and like, "Wow, people dealt with this, too." And then seeing God's hand over there lives is just 😍

Remember, this was all Old Testament stuff so the New Testament family is like O M G. Because we, as brothers and sisters in Christ, are all apart of the same family! And what's more, God's redemption is constantly available to us NOW. We don't have to wait until some great-great-great-great-grandchild decides to make the right choice. No, Jesus is waiting for us Right Now with open arms 🤗


So I really enjoyed taking time to study and type this all out ... I probably will do it again. My sister gave me some really interesting information on the Tribe of Levi (AKA: the Levites). Can you guess what it is? 🤭 



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I am Merissa Nicole and I'm a born-again Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and have a passion for writing. My desire is to inspire people to Pursue a Relationship with Jesus and discover who He is by expressing His Love through Words.

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