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All On A Journey 🌲

The first thing that people (typically) find out about me is that I can be extremely random. Countless times, I have started a conversation with a friend, discussing a college assignment. The next thing we knew, I would complain about how last week's tacos hurt my stomach. 😂 However, despite my random moments, I strive to make every conversation alive and meaningful. Let's be honest, randomness usually keeps everything interesting so ... yeah. At least I'm not boring. 😝 And that includes in my writing or discussions. I may go through a full circle (as I frequently call it) when I am talking about ideas, but it will always evolve around the message.

The purpose. The deep meaning that I want to embrace and allow deep within my soul.

So, as you casually skim through this post--either with a confused expression or a slight grin--know that my primary goal is to share these deep and profound messages that Jesus has shown me throughout my life. I am on a journey, just as much as you are, and it is a walk filled with many questions. With each step, I am one clue closer to solving the greatest mystery I will ever encounter.

Call it being clichĂŠ or slightly poetic--but it's the Mystery of Me.

But I'm not alone in this, hence, the purpose of this blog. Every soul walks on a road, a path that leads them to learn who they are and who they are meant to be. As for me, I'm on this journey to discover the one who placed me here. His name is Jesus Christ.

Because as I discover Him, I discover myself.

At the end of all of this, my prayer is that you will join in this journey with me and become inspired to seek the Lord with a fresh perspective that encourages embracing deep and profound messages that will impact all of us forever. 💗


By the way, the picture was taken by me on a trip to Georgia (on my super crappy phone). It was in that moment, when I realized, every soul was on a journey. You or I may not know what to expect around the next bend, but I know I'm walking confidently with my God.

Because there's just too much to discover with Him 🤭 I'm ready! How about you?

O Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off (Psalm 139:1-2 NKJV).



Hi, thanks for stopping by!

I am Merissa Nicole and I'm a born-again Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and have a passion for writing. My desire is to inspire people to Pursue a Relationship with Jesus and discover who He is by expressing His Love through Words.

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